quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

2 - What can you do with computers: At home and at Work?
At home we can watch to movies, play games, do work for the school, listening to music, surfing the internet, etc...
At work we use in the design of architecture, mechanical, electrical, type and edit texts, schedules appointments, commanding power plants, etc...
3 – Define a Hardware and a Software?
The hardware not refers only to personal computers, but also for products that require computational processing, like the devices found in hospital equipment, automobiles, cell phones, among others.
Software logic system, consists of a sequence of instructions that are interpreted and executed by a processor or a virtual machine. In a program, this sequence follows specific patterns that result in a desired behavior.
4 – What is the importance of the RAM memory?
The RAM Memory is fundamental for good operation of computer, once she is responsible for the management and storage of data and instructions that the processor needs to perform its tasks.
Is for her that are sent part of the programs and data that are currently running, making processing of such information while the PC is turned on. After the shutdown of the machine the information contained therein are lost, so it is also called temporary or volatile memory.
5 – What is the task of a Software?
Follow instructions programmed or defined by a person or technician and then instruct the hardware how on how to perform a task.
                                                                                  by Wikipedia

quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2013

What are computers?

Computers are machines capable of doing any mathematical calculation, appropriate for work with information and data processing.
Computers are used for a lot of things, among them: storage by data, data processing, calculation in wide scale, industrialist design, treatment of graphic picture, virtual reality, entertainment and culture. This machine is composed by a physical system and a programmable logical system, and they depend on each other. Nowadays the computers are considered the “Icon of the Information Age”.
     The first electromechanical computer appears in 1936, constructed by a german engineer Konrad Zuse (1910-1995), he used relés that did the calculation and datas read in tape. In Second World War was created the computers that are used nowadays. The American Marine working with the Harvard University develops the “Harvard Mark”.
          In second plan and in secret, the American Army build the ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator) the first computer valve was capable of doing 500 multiplication by seconds. The project objective was used in war for calculate ballistics trajectories, ENIAC was keep in secret until the end of war when it was uncovered to the world.